Saturday, March 28, 2020

The impact of social media on the world

Social media is a platform for all the people around the world where they can discuss their issues and opinions. Everybody is aware about the term social media. It can be defined as “the interaction between individuals and groups in which they produce and share, sometimes exchange ideas, images over virtual communities and internet”. Children are growing up surrounded by interactive social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snap chat, Hangout and many others, therefore social media is a vital aspect of their life.
Social media provide health care professionals the opportunity to promote healthy behaviour, to educate the public, engage and interact with patients, colleagues and students. Positive effects also include support for health-related causes and access to information in developing regions. Negative effects can also be caused such as potential breach of privacy and incorrect self-diagnosis.
Social media promotes corporates’ business, associations and brands which influence companions, by making news, to make relations and make groups. You can better understand the customer requirement and promote the business all over the world. It provides rich customer experiences through monitoring and you can gain key information about your competitors. In business, social media isn’t totally hazard free, as negative remarks can lead to an association with disappointment. A mistake made on social media is hard to rectify, which is why negative customer reviews are harmful.
Social media has impact on education: students can easily share information or communicate through various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, among others. It can be adopted by someone to get positive results in education. Socialising is an important part of growing up, the purpose of which is to socialise and make friends. It allows the children to exchange ideas and learn new things. Sharing knowledge provides an easy and an effective way in which students can share knowledge and access the information. Updating oneself causes them to refresh their own particular information base.
Students can frequently get the right stage to share their feelings class wanders, group assignments or for help on homework assignments. Students are depending more on the information reachable easily on the web and social networking sites, hence it has reduced learning and research capabilities. Reduction in real human contact also occurs, because the less time they will go through associating face to face with others. This affects and decreases their relational abilities. Time wasting students, while seeking information, end up concentrating on the web and are not able to deliver their work in the specified time frame as they waste their time.
A research study carried out that shows 100 per cent youth utilise social media for site surfing and 94 per cent for downloading music or movies. In blogging with social networking sites, 59 per cent youth are found to be engaged. 79 per cent are utilising social media for chatting purpose and 84 per cent youth have reported social networking as their main purpose of usage, whereas 68 per cent youth are reported to utilise social media for checking e-mails.
As the technology is developing, social networking has turned into a routine for every individual or group, and they depend on it constantly. Business uses online networking to upgrade execution in different courses to fulfil business goals. Youths are found diverted by social media every day. In organisations wrong promotion will influence the productivity and false data can lead the training framework to disappointment, as social media acts as an invaluable tool for professionals. Citizens adopt the positive aspects of social media and avoid the negative effects so that we can avail the benefits of these emerging technologies
It has a massive impact on society. Individuals easily mingle on the Web, and that opens doors for individuals to reconnect with their old companions, mates and partners anywhere. It has become easy for a person to learn from the experts via the social media. Regardless of our education background and location we can educate ourselves, without paying for it. Through web-based social networking anyone can inform himself of the most recent happenings around on the planet. With the help of advertising we can promote our business to the largest extent of audience, or connect communities’ different religions and beliefs, so people of different communities can share related stuff.
The increasing demand of social sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and other social networks has gained attention choice for the article writers, bloggers and content creators. It provides an open opportunity for all bloggers and writers to connect with their clients and share ideas beyond geographical boundaries.
Cyber-harassing– In a report distributed by, it was shown that youngsters have progressed toward becoming casualties of the digital bullying of the past. Your personal information can be hacked and shared on the Internet. Through the online networking several cases are available where people have committed fraud and scams.
Social Media also gives youngsters a platform to develop new friendships and develop their social circle. Social media also help develop reading and writing skills when a celebrity talks of his or her favourite book. Teens who use too much social media have lower scores in exams and are simply finding their sexuality. To handle the influence of social media check out the movies, music, games, TV shows and celebrities your child likes. Kids can be extraordinarily influenced. People share photographs which contain savagery and sex, which can harm the conduct of children and youngsters. It’s easy nowadays to watch YouTube videos on mobiles and we are unaware about what the child is watching. If we monitor a teen’s choices, it doesn’t mean we must ban them from watching media, but making them aware of the negative influences is needed. We should ask why he or she likes a particular celebrity, if he follows him in real life and so on.
As the technology is developing, social networking has turned into a routine for every individual or group, and they depend on it constantly. Business uses online networking to upgrade execution in different courses to fulfil business goals. Youths are found diverted by social media every day. In organisations wrong promotion will influence the productivity and false data can lead the training framework to disappointment, as social media acts as an invaluable tool for professionals. Citizens adopt the positive aspects of social media and avoid the negative effects so that we can avail the benefits of these emerging technologies.

Influence of Artificial Intelligence

John McCarthy in 1956 created the term "Artificial Intelligence". He believed if a machine could make a human being, he or she is communicating with another human being, then the machine can be considered as intelligent as a human being. When machines can learn and make decisions similarly to humans is known as artificial intelligence. Machine learning is one of the type of machine learning, where instead of being programmed what to think, machines can analyze, observe and learn from data and mistakes just like our human brains can. It is influencing consumer products and has led to significant breakthroughs in healthcare, finance and retail.

As, everyday Influences of Artificial Intelligence are altering the way our daily lives look. If someone from the era of 1940s traveled through time and arrived in 2019, they would marvel at the way we use our smartphones, our addiction to social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We can say artificial intelligence is an integral part of our daily lives. Our legal institutions, financial institutions, insurance companies and media companies are all figuring out ways to use artificial intelligence to their advantage.

It has Influences Business As business leaders and innovators race to reach the promise of artificial intelligence to deliver advantage as cost and time savings. The technology is altering industries from finance to manufacturing with new processes, products and capabilities.
Most of the old companies like 150-year-old Heineken are using AI, and huge amount of data they collect and the Internet of Things to drive marketing initiatives, decisions and improve operations and customer service. To optimizing delivery routes from managing global supply chains, artificial intelligence is helping companies of all sizes the bottom line at every stage of the business life-cycle from sourcing material to sales and accounting to customer service. It’s helping companies to design, produce and deliver products and service better than ever before.

Artificial intelligence just not improving lives; in some cases, it will save lives as well. There are lots of companies, such as tech companies, that are researching and investing ways that artificial intelligence can help improve our healthcare system. From figuring out drug protocols personalized to better diagnostic tools and even robots to assist in surgeries, Al is altering our healthcare system to provide way from its processes to the care. In addition to our healthcare systems, AI is likely to be very instrumental in solving the environmental concerns we are experiencing due to global warming. From supporting smart infrastructure to helping to be more efficient with our natural resources and smart agriculture to feed a growing population, AI can augment our human efforts to solve our global challenges. It’s also an integral part of our safety and security systems.

Artificial intelligence is entertaining has been deployed to enhance our lives as well. To compose original compositions from books to music, experiments with AI develop recipes based on what’s currently in the cupboard and even to create works of art are extending the influence of AI on our lives. The AI-powered recommendation engines of Spotify and Netflix help streamline our decision-making process when we are looking for the next show to watch or song to listen to. It’s clear that if we look away Al, we feel our world would look vastly different in every way.

7 Dangerous Brain Damaging Habits

We drink couple of glasses of wine, some mindless TV watching or a few extra hours of sleep, results our brain to shut off. Our lifestyle choices can threaten the health of our brains significantly, even when the connection isn’t obvious.

Our habits dislike our brains important nutrients or rapidly kill brain cells that causes mental disorders like anxiety or depression, as well physical ailments such as, stroke or cancer. There are seven dangerous habits that damage your brain.

Skipping Breakfast: It is considered as important meal of the day. More than 87 percent people suffering heart disease by skipping breakfast. If you skip can result in low blood sugar levels that is result damage to the brain because brain uses more energy than any other organ in the body.

Sleep Deprivation: Majority of peoples who work multiple jobs, perform shift work, or who work in a profession that has demanding work causes sleep deprivation.
As concerned for children need nine hours of nightly sleep or more depending on their age, and teens need an average of nine hours sleep per night. A research study carried out that revealed “about one in five adults fail to get enough sleep”.

Overeating: Overeating can lead to an obesity and unhealthy weight gain. Whereas obesity has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and other deadly illnesses.
Studies has shown a surprising connection between obesity and dementia. we can see that by 2015, the number of patients diagnosed with dementia hit almost 45 million, a number that has doubled since 1990. Go to the jogging or gym while you have the time. Wear tight clothes, they’ll remind you not to overeat.

Smoking: Cigarettes are addictive as heroin. When the brain stops getting the nicotine may feel irritable and anxious. Various research has been carried on the damaging effects of smoking, it clearly damages cell membranes. Smoking can also cause heart disease and lung cancer.

Dehydration: Dehydration cause dizziness, diabetes, head ache, and fewer. Human body is made up of 70% water, so it is critical body function, including brain function. Researchers has determined that even just two hours of heavy exercise without water can cause cognitive decline. To keep your brain happy keep drinking water drinking throughout the day.

Too Much Sugar: Consuming too much sugar increases heart disease risk factors i.e. high blood pressure, inflammation, obesity, and head ache.
Our brain need sugar in order to function, but our modern diets include way too much of it. When you eat too much sugar your brain cells, are in a state of chronic inflammation.

Stress: Stress can play a part in problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems, skin conditions, and headaches. This has been declared as hazard of the workplace in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

We hope that given information has not scared you but rather left you feeling empowered to make vital changes for the health of your brain. it is necessary to carve out the time to sleep, eat breakfast, and relieve stress.

You should say no to requests that overwhelm you. In the end, your family, boss, and friends will enjoy a happier, healthier when you draw some boundaries around your basic needs.

Foods You Need to Include and Avoid for Clearer Skin

When it comes to achieving radiant skin, your diet can affect health and appearance of your skin. Although a clear skin diet isn’t a magical solution to everyone’s skin, you might find a huge difference in your acne or other skin disease.

For clear skin diet there are several things you need to know. Several studies suggest that eating a balanced diet of proteins, raw fruits, and healthy oils vegetables may improve the appearance of your skin. Foods high in sugar, fat and empty carbohydrates may cause dull skin.

Vitamin A
Foods high in vitamin A are such as carrots, sweet potatoes, kale and spinach. Vitamin A, have been used for decades to treat acne and promote healthy skin cell production.

Vitamin A can potentially reduce acne breakouts by eating rich foods helping control oil production. This was demonstrated in “The Journal of Investigative Dermatology”.
Retinoids can be found in animal products, such as eggs, fish, milk, butter and beef liver.

Vitamin B12
Foods High in Vitamin B12 are such as fortified cereals, trout, beef, liver, and tuna. These are not uncommon in the United States, especially in strict vegetarians. These are water-soluble vitamin and have important functions in the body maintaining healthy skin.

These can help even out your skin tone and improve hyper pigmentation. These can also prevent major birth defects. It also prevent the brain from the loss of neurons and supports healthy hair, skin and nails.

Vitamin C
Foods High in Vitamin C are such as grapefruit, oranges, broccoli, brussels sprouts. It helps to prevent sun damage, helps keep skin strong and firm. It also provides antioxidant protection and helps improve the signs of aging.

In The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Vitamin C was shown to be especially effective at reducing photo aging when combined with Vitamin.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps support the cell function, immune system, and skin health. It is also beneficial at reducing UV damage to skin.

Foods High in Vitamin E are green leafy vegetables, nuts and broccoli. Its plays an important role in protecting the body from free radicals.

Vitamin E topically may help nourish and protect skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Avoid these foods for Blemish-Free skin coffee because a cup of coffee isn’t necessarily bad for you.

Multiple cups of drinking coffee per day can have negative consequences for your skin. It can be dehydrating by causing excessive urination and ruin your sleep.

High-Glycemic load foods such as white rice, sugar and other foods which spike insulin levels quickly are considered high-glycemic foods. Limiting them is crucial to achieving blemish-free skin.

A subject of debate in the scientific community, there is no denying the strong link between skin and diet health.

Lack of Sleepiness & Coping Strategies

Lack of sleep Lack of sleep happen when an individual fails to get enough sleep. The amount of sleep needs varies from one person to another, but on average most adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel alert and well rested. As concerned for children need nine hours of nightly sleep or more depending on their age, and teens need an average of nine hours sleep per night. A research study carried out that revealed “about one in five adults fail to get enough sleep”.

Lack of sleep causes voluntary behavior People who engage in voluntary, but unintentional, the chronic sleep deprivation are considered as having a sleep disorder called behaviorally induced insufficient sleep syndrome. This is the type of “hypersomnia”. It reveals when a pattern of restricted sleep is present almost daily for at least three months.

It causes on Personal obligations that can occur when restrict sleep time. This can be described in an example, a person may lose sleep while providing home care for a relative with a chronic illness. This also cause on work hours because work hours required by some occupations can produce sleep deprivation. The major cause that reveals from lack of sleep is medical problem, it may be symptom of an ongoing sleep disorder or other medical condition that disturbs sleep.

When carrying out risk assessment it is considered as group of members. These might be males and females of all ages, adolescent among whom restricted sleep times are common. Care takers well known family persons such as Caregivers who look after the needs of a family member who has a chronic illness. Majority of peoples who work multiple jobs, perform shift work, or who work in a profession that has demanding work hours.

Lack of sleep has effect as excessive daytime sleepiness. When a person is sleep-deprived person is likely to fall asleep when forced to sit still in a quiet or monotonous situation, such as meeting time. This level of severe sleepiness can be a safety hazard that causes workplace injuries by drowsy driving.
The other effects of sleep deprivation are mood such as anxiety and Symptoms of depression. Lack of sleep has effects on performance such as Lack of concentration, fatigue, poor decisions and increased errors. The major it effects on health such as High blood pressure and heart attack.

Sleep deprivation can be overcome by strategies to increase nightly sleep time to satisfy his or her biological sleep need; there is no substitute for sufficient sleep. There are various ways to that may provide a short-term solution, to reduce the effects of sleep deprivation. There are no long-term solutions, and they may not restore performance to non-sleep-deprived levels and alertness. Sleep prior to deprivation means to get extra sleep before a period of sleep loss which is known as a “prophylactic nap,” may decrease some of the negative alertness effects. Sleep prior to deprivation: Getting extra sleep before a period of sleep loss, known as a “prophylactic nap,” may decrease some of the negative performance and alertness effects. Lack of sleep can also overcome by Naps during deprivation, which is during a period of sleep loss a brief nap of 30 minutes or less may boost alertness.

End Polio Challenges In Pakistan

In polio history early 20th century, polio was one of the most feared diseases in industrialized countries, paralyzing hundreds of thousands of children every year.
The introduction of effective vaccines in the 1950s and 1960s, however, polio was brought under control. During the 1970s, national immunization programmes, helping to control the disease in many developing countries.

Polio is a contagious viral illness that causes “nerve injury leading to difficulty breathing, paralysis and sometimes death”. Symptoms and signs for non-paralytic polio such as Headache, Fever, Fatigue and muscle weakness or tenderness etc. Some children can cause allergic reaction due to IPV usually occur within minutes to a few hours.

There are now only 3 countries where polio transmission have never stopped including Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan.
IHR (2005), involving 196 countries across the globe, represents a binding international legal agreement including all the Member States of World Health Organization.
A polio-free world requires updated vaccination policies the plan has three goals, Eradication, Integration and Certification and Containment.

End polio programme in Pakistan is a public-private partnership led by The Government of Pakistan, and partners such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Rotary International and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Polio Eradication Programme has always been driven by strong Government commitment and leadership. The polio eradication always remains a top priority under each Government. The sustained programme operations are at every level Provincial Task Forces, Divisional Task Forces, and District Polio Control Rooms.
Rotary International more than one million Rotary members have volunteered their time and personal resources to polio eradication.
WHO coordinates the major strategic planning, and administration processes of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).
UNICEF supports for the implementation of National Immunization Days (NIDs) and Sub-National Immunization Days (SNIDs), and campaigns through the funding of more than 20,000 community-based vaccinators.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation contributes technical and financial resources to partners to accelerate efforts to eradicate polio.

For Polio Eradication Programme Surveillance is one of the main pillar. The programme is able to identify where the polio virus is circulating such as “testing stool samples of children suffering from acute flaccid paralysis and testing samples taken from sewage water across the country”.
In Pakistan, AFP surveillance began in 1997, but was focused attention in 2000. Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) is sudden onset of weakness/ paralysis in any part of the body of a child less than 15 years of age.
Environmental Surveillance helps enhance the sensitivity of surveillance for polio-viruses. Currently there are 60 sampling sites for environmental detection in 40 towns and districts of the country.
Polio Cases across Pakistan’s Provinces was almost to end till 2018. Cases from 2015-2018 recorded are 54, 20, 8 and 12. This ratio has been increasing in 2019 recorded 111 cases throughout Pakistan. In 2019 there are Zero cases recorded in Gilgit-Baltistan, ICT and Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Whereas in Sindh 17, Punjab 6, Balochistan 9 and 79 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
High risk areas in Pakistan are categorize in fours tiers. In first tier core reservoir districts contain 11 districts. In 2nd tier high-risk districts contain 30 districts. In tier 3rd vulnerable districts contain 32 districts. In 4th tier low risk districts contain 79 districts. In 2019 maximum num. of polio cases recorded in KPK Bannu district are 24 cases and 27 cases in Lakki Marwat.

Every Child Health Workers (CHW) has given their target to vaccine children. They vaccine children at home, roaming or school/Madrasa children. There may be Not Available (NA) children such as when visit at home, children has gone for visit to relatives or picnic with parents etc. or home may be Locked during their visit. Most cases arising in Pakistan is due to “Refusal” by parents such as their Misconception, our child is sick, we don’t want to vaccine/direct refusal, demands, or religious matter.

A media release on 18th December 2019 by end-polio in Pakistan, donor partners of the Lives and Livelihoods Fund (LLF) and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) re-affirmed their commitment to support the Government of Pakistan in their fight against polio. For the eradication of polio and contributed over US$ 100 million to the Pakistan Polio Eradication Programme.

The financial assistance provided the LLF and the IsDB has enabled the programme to strengthen various areas of work, including vaccine procurement, surveillance, communications and social mobilization. Children should receive four doses of inactivated polio-virus vaccine (IPV) - first dose at age 2 months, the second at 4 months, a third at 6 to 18 months and the last at 4 to 6 years. We need awareness campaigns for backward areas people with limited thinking. Most of the people have misconception for polio eradication their children might have paralysis and sometimes death.

Shopping Trends And Black Friday

The term "Black Friday” did not become widely used until more recent decades. It is an informal name for the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Black Friday is not an official holiday except California and other states observe "The Day after Thanksgiving" as a holiday for state government employees. Since 2005 it has seen the busiest shopping trend day of the year in United States. Violence occurring between shoppers on Black Friday, since 2006, there have been 12 reported deaths and 117 injuries throughout the United States. According to data released by Adobe Shoppers spend $4.2 billion online on Thanksgiving, 14.5% increase from last year. Black Friday online sales on track to hit $7.4 billion and more than 165 million people expected to shop.

An Analysis of Consumer Behavior on Black Friday, Linda Simpson has stated that 73% were female and 27% were male during visit with average individual observation. During visit he observed 60% of the shoppers appeared to have a specific product in mind, particularly electronic media items, such as DVD players, DVDs, Digital Cameras and X-box games. In-Line and Store Entry Customer Behaviors most of the stores opened early morning and noticed 200 customers in-line when stores opened.

There is a huge crowd hence some of the customers “fell down or appeared injured” when the store opened. This increase the customers arguing with police officers, lack of parking availability and at the end of the line people were mad and rude. More than 70% of the consumers are aware of the black Friday event awareness was exceptional among UK (92%), Canadian (91%) and US shoppers (88%) the concept of Black Friday discounts is a long-established tradition.

Previous Black Friday participation has shown growth in 2018. In USA, consumer participation has shown growth from 38% in 2015 to greater than 50% in 2018. Same growth has been observed in Canada which has raised from 26% to >60%. In UK the consumer participation growth is increased 19% to >55%. Adobe Analytics reported online sales increased 23.6% year over year on Black Friday and approximate reach to $6.22 billion. According to National Retail Federation, number of estimated 114.6 million consumers plan for shopping on Black Friday. Sales projected to reach up to $730.7 on this occasion.

In United States Black Friday is the biggest shopping season and has been regarded as a great opportunity for retailers to increase their sales. In recent years this practice has extended to other countries in the world. Black Friday has also been observed the biggest online shopping day in the history in recent years.